And to resist the urge to join the traveling circus

Friday, April 1, 2011

Are you bored yet?

[CG on a ridge near a waterfall in El Bolson.]

[Cajon de Azul outside El Bolson-- a deep river canyon.  The photographs do not do it justice.]

[One of the three pedestrian "bridges" we crossed on our way to and from Cajon de Azul.]

[Underneath Cabeza del Indio, a rock formation outside of El Bolson which is supposed to look like the profile of an "indian"-- the guidebook admits this just looks like a "toothless hippie."  Thankfully, we only paid AR$4 (USD$1) for admission.  Plus, the place was LOADED with ripe blackberries.  It felt like a fair trade to me.]
[Dinner at Otto Tipp Brewery.  Beer sampler and 4 egg pizza.  Yeah.  There are 4 fried eggs on that pizza.  Welcome to Argentina.]

[Mountains outside of Bariloche]

[The biggest and snowiest peak is Tronador]

[Two dingbats on our tour of the cave at Lion Mountain.  It was called Lion Mountain because it used to be full of pumas.]

[Crawling through a passage in the cave.  I'm getting pretty nervous....]

[Hmmm.  Do I really want to squeeze myself through that?]

[Bingo!  Inside the second chamber of the cave.  No.  It's not snowing.  Those are dust particles.]

[Phewf.  I survived the cave (and the others on the tour).  Another view from Lion Mountain.]

1 comment:

  1. That footbridge looked much scarier to me than the narrow cave passage!
